We all are very well acquainted with the importance of recycling for our environment. The more products are recycled the less garbage winds up in landfills and incineration plants. Recycling reduces the cost of money that is generally used to make new products from virgin resources, it just involves reprocessing and cleaning the already present products. It also definitely reduces the negative impact of the extraction and processing of raw products on the environment. Reusing old used materials and converting them to new ones is no less than a blessing to our environment.
But what is worth paying attention to is the negative impact of the myth regarding Recycling process! The misconceptions relating to the “Recycling” process affect the entire process and make people doubt its real value. It thus becomes essential to clear the misconceptions surrounding it so that more people can contribute to it.
Some Widely Believed Misconceptions Around Recycling
Different Products Must be Sorted
Let’s begin with the most prevalent misconception about the need to sort different products. Generally, many locations around the country choose the “Single stream” recycling process that allows us to put all recyclable material in a single bin. It is then taken to a material recovery facility (MRF) for further sorting and processing. Thus we need not fret over segregating recyclable products.
Materials Cannot be Recycled More Than Once
This statement is actually half true. It’s just the plastic material that degrades after being recycled once but other than that all products can be very well recycled multiple times. Metals and glass items can be recycled repeatedly without their quality being compromised.
The Recycled Material are Inferior in Quality
This fact held truth in it a long time ago. With the improved technology the recycled products are no less in their quality. Even the biggest companies are investing in recycled products because of their growing demand. It provides them good business and establishes their good image in the market.
We at Organic Biotic Solutions are committed to take all the required steps to create a sustainable environment for us and generations to come. You can check out our certified organic cleaning products to contribute your efforts towards a healthier environment.